CHA 帶瑜去旅行
Stepping onto the yoga mat is like going on an unknown journey
Every bit of what happened during this journey of practice
Experience everything taught on the yoga mat with a fun heart.
十八年的瑜伽練習 與 十四年教學
18 years of yoga practicing and 14 years of yoga teaching experience
Yoga Information" Facebook group moderator with 60,000 people.
Starting from the role of a frail and sickly practitioner,
The following is how I understand yoga and myself from different levels.
國立臺灣師範大學 體育與運動科學系 在職碩班 就讀中
NTNU Department Of Physical Education And Sport Sciences part-time student
台灣運動心理學會 第八期運動心理諮詢老師
證照 與 研習 Certificates and Workshops
身體 Physical
證照 Certificates
RYT 500 Aligned Yoga Teacher Training with Briohny 2024
RYT 200 Space Yoga Teacher Training with Naichin Tan 2013
YAI 500 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Prathap 2014, in India
YAI 300 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Prathap 2015, in India
YAI 300 Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Prathap 2016, inIndia
Yoga for Kids and Families Teacher Training with Lei Sadakari 2013
One Day Ashtanga Yoga Intensive Teacher Training Beginner Level I with Ken Harakuma 2013
Niguma Yoga Teacher Training with Karina Arenas Bonansea 2016
Wall Rope Yoga Teacher Training with Ashly Chi 2023
研習 Workshops
Ashtanga Workshop with Laruga Glaser 2012
Ashtanga Workshop with Ken Harakuma 2013
Yin Yoga Meditation and Life Workshop with Janet Lau 2013
Ashtanga Yoga Intermediate Series In-depth and Intensive Training Courses with Adarsh Williams 2013
Ashtanga Workshop with Ken Harakuma 2013
Inversion Workshop with Briohny & Dice 2013
Vinyasa Workshop with Richard Freeman 2014
Ashtanga Workshop with Matthew Sweeney 2014
AcroYoga Workshop with Kayla Hardin 2014
SMaRT Myofascial relaxation techniques with Janus Tsa 2015
AcroYoga Workshop with Kayla Hardin 2015
Foundation Yoga Workshop with Helene 2015
AcroYoga Workshop with Patrick Nolfo 2015
AcroYoga Workshop with Greg C 2015
Ayurveda Workshop with Prathap 2015
Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Eyal Shifroni 2017
Ayurvedic Walking Massage Workshop with Janus Tsa 2017
Relaxing Meridians Yoga Workshop with Phoenix 2017
Wall Rope Yoga with Jordan 2018
Ayurveda & Yoga Philosophy Workshop with Prathap 2018
Application of motion control in Pilates with 張夢珍 2020
Online Workshop with Hart Lazer2020
DNS Exercise course part 1 with Veronika Nasslerova 2020
DNS Exercise course part 2 with Veronika Nasslerova 2021
International Yoga Day Ceremony 22 online classes by international masters 2022
Physiology, yoga and breathing exercises for maintain a healthy pelvis with Leslie Howard 2023
Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy of the Shoulder--From Reach to Weight-Bearing with Donald Neumann 2024
Essentials of Kinesiology with 傅士豪 2024
心靈 Mental
證照 Certificates
教育部服務學習種子師資培訓 2013(臺教青署學字第1022360507號 )
Service-learning seed teacher training by the Ministry of Education (Taiwan Ministry of
Education and Youth Development Administration No. 1022360507)
研習 Workshops
Meditation Workshop with Jarret Levine 2015
Medicine Buddha Meditation Workshop with Jyoti Dev 2016
REBT Rational emotive behavior therapy introductory workshop with 武自珍 2023
十日內觀課程 10 days vipassana course 2016
三日內觀課程 3 days vipassana course2017
優人神鼓一日禪 1 day meditation with U Theatre 2020
Yoga trip to Kerala Ayurvedic Healing Village, South India2013
Meditation at Tamailnadu Isha Yoga Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple, South India 2013. 2014. 2015
Yoga Retreat, Thailand Koh Samui Samahita 2015
Yoga & meditation retreats, Miaoli with Wei Chi 2015
Yoga & meditation retreats, Miaoli with Prathap 2015
Yoga Retreat, Amorgos Amorgos Aegialis Hotel & Spa, Greece 2017
Ayurvedic yoga Retreat, TaiTung with Prathap 2018
師大 運動心理學 Sports Psychology of National Taiwan Normal University with 洪聰敏 2023
多元專長研習時數超過 2,000 小時 Workshop of multi-specialty learning for over 2,000 hrs
全台教學經驗超過 300 小時 Teaching experience in Taiwan exceeds 300 hrs
每日靜心一小時超過 2,600天 Meditation for 1 hour every day, accumulation of 2,600 days
經歷 Experience
瑜伽櫃檯、助教、老師、師資助教、瑜伽旅行 Yoga counter, teaching assistant, yoga teacher, teacher training teaching assistant, yoga travel
各地工作坊及研習課程(台北、新北、基隆、桃園、新竹、台中、彰化、雲林、嘉義、台南、高雄、宜蘭、花蓮、台東、馬來西亞)Workshops and training courses in various places (Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, Taoyuan, Hsinchu,Taichung,Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Yilan, Hualien, Taitung, Malaysia)
瑜伽空間負責人 Convenor of Charity Yoga at Daan Forest Park
出版 Publication
書籍 Books
椅子瑜伽圖輯、國立臺灣圖書館 視障瑜伽觸圖手冊
Chair Yoga Book, National Taiwan Library - Visually Impaired Yoga Tactile Guidebook
貼圖 Line stickers
瑜伽 Line 貼圖、台新銀行合作抽 Lin e火柴人瑜珈貼圖活動、新北市政府體育處合作110年全運會貼圖
Yoga Line stickers, Collaborating with Taishin Bank - LINE yoga stickers figure raffle, New Taipei City Government Sports Department collaborates on the 110th National Games sticker
國立臺灣圖書館 瑜伽 Podcast
Yoga Podcast of National Taiwan Library
拍攝 Shoot Video
2 支體育署居家防疫瑜伽影片、新北市政府體育處 110 年全運會貼圖宣傳影片
Collaborating with Sports Department’s - 2 home-based yoga videos for anti-epidemic, New Taipei City Government Sports Department 110th National Games Line Stickers Promotional Videos
社群 Social media
臉書 Facebook
「瑜珈資訊」 6.5萬人 FB 社團版主
「Yoga Information」 Moderator of a Facebook Group with 65,000 Members.
新聞 News
瑜伽新聞稿 18 篇
18 Yoga News
公車廣告 Bus Advertisement
Bus Yoga Advertisement 2 Times
召集人 Convener
Convenor of Charity Yoga at Daan Forest Park
政府單位 Government unit
視障瑜伽 Visually Impaired Yoga
National Taiwan Library
銀髮族瑜伽 Yoga for Seniors
Keelung City Government
瑜伽 Yoga
Taipei City Grassroots sport Fatigue Recovery Program, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, and Yoga Retreats to MAKAUY National Park and MINGCHI VILLA.
非營利組織 NGO
瑜伽 Yoga
Eden Social Welfare Foundation, JANG DAH group foundation, Yonghe District Hakka Association, New Taipei City
企業 Company
瑜伽 Yoga
迪卡儂線上瑜伽、角頭音樂公司、合力制作廣告公司、HyRead 電子書店、日商艾鳴遊戲公司、保健品牌赫力昂公司、長庚身心靈轉化中心、統一 Being Sport
Decathlon Online Yoga, Taiwan Colors Music, MilknHoney Films ltd, HyRead ebook, Aiming lnc, Haleon, Chang Gung Mind & Body Transformation Center, Being Sport
活動 Activities
Taipei Marathon, Adidas Girl, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi A11 Outdoor Yoga, Yoga for Cha Tzu Tang employee travel, Yoga for ACHB Enterprise Co. sports carnival, Kaohsiung Lighthouse Partner Yoga
瑜伽教室 Yoga studio
Lemontree Yoga, Nirvana Yoga & Ayurveda School
學校 School
大學 University
Yoga Club of National Taiwan University, Soochow University Swimming Team, Taiwan Police College Tzu Chi Club,
National Taipei University of Education, Tainan University of Technology, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, University of Taipei Weightlifting Team
高中 High School
Taipei Municipal Xisong High School Swimming Team, Taipei Municipal Xisong High School Karate Team, Taipei Municipal Xisong High School Cycling team, Shilin High School Judo Team, Taipei Municipal Bailing High School Wrestling Team, Taipei Municipal Bailing High School Boxing Team, Taipei Municipal Fuxing High School Judo team, Taipei Municipal Neihu High School Karate Team, Taipei Municipal Fuxing High School Judo Team, Taipei Municipal Lishan High School Track and Field Team, Taipei Municipal Yangming High School Track and Field Team, Taipei Municipal Yangming High School Tennis Team, Taipei Municipal Datong High School Track and Field Team, Taipei Municipal Songshan High School of Commerce and Home Economics Track and Field Team,
國中 Junior High School
Taipei Municipal Ren Ai Junior High School Swimming Team, Shi Pai Junior High School Wrestling Team, Wanhua junior high school Wrestling Team, Taipei Municipal Zhongzheng Junior High School Karate Team, Taipei Municipal Minquan Junior High School Karate Team , Taipei Municipal Cheng Zheng Junior High School Fencing Team
國小 Elementary School
National Experimental High School At Hsinchu Science Park Elementary Dept Swimming Team, Xin Sheng Elementary School Swimming Team, Datong Elementary School Swimming Team, LiYuan Elementary School Swimming Team, Guandu Elementary School Swimming Team, Hualien Ming Li Elementary School,
Dazhi Elementary School Tennis Team, Shuang Yuan Elementary School, Shipai Elementary School Wrestling Team
教職員 Faculty and Staff
National Taiwan University Faculty and Staff, Tatung University Faculty and Staff,
公眾人物 Public Figure
國家級運動員 National-level athletes
奧運游泳選手 王冠閎、職業網球選手 夜市球王 曾俊欣
Taiwanese swimmer Wang Kuan-hung , Taiwanese tennis player.Tseng Chun-hsin
演藝人員 Actress and Singer
林依晨、曾少宗、四分衛樂團、董事長樂團、張瀚元 、許斐棋、巴奈
課程資訊 Course Information
週一 MON 19:00-20:30 椅子瑜伽 Chair Yoga
週三 WED 19:00-20:00 輕流動 Gentle Flow
瑜伽品牌教練 Yoga Brand Coach
私人課 Private class
企業包班 Business cooperation classes
活動合作 event cooperation
Chair Yoga, Gentle Flow, Wall Rope Yoga, Healing yoga, Acro yoga,
Ayurveda, Yoga for swimming team, Yoga for the visually impaired,
Yoga Travel
歷年活動 Annual Event
🌳 台北 洽恰好室 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽師資培訓❞
🌳 桃園 初瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽師資培訓❞
🌳 台北 洽恰好室 邀請舉辦 ❝回伽 一日城市僻靜❞
🌳 嘉義 默默瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 桃園 OM瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 高雄 曉曉瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽大眾課❞
🌳 高雄 曉曉瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 旗津燈塔雙人瑜伽遊❞
🌳 雲林 覺瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 台北 洽恰好室 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 台南 HH跳跳館 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 台北 洽恰好室 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽師資培訓❞
🌳 高雄 曉曉瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽師資培訓❞
🌳 鶯歌 巧樂瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽特別課❞
🌳 鶯歌 巧樂瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ 雙人瑜伽特別課❞
🌳 新竹 小雅老師 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 台中 綵樺老師 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞
🌳 台中 綵樺老師 邀請舉辦 ❝ 寵愛自己骨盆滋養研習❞
🌳 台東 樹與海洋瑜珈農場 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽研習❞ & ❝ 瑜伽小旅行❞
🌳 全台 防疫之泳壇 邀請舉辦 ❝ 線上瑜CHA ❞
🌳 台東 樹與海洋瑜珈農場 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽工作坊❞
🌳 台北市政府體育局 邀請拍攝 ❝ 運動員線上居家瑜伽❞
🌳 台北市政府體育局 邀請拍攝 ❝ 銀髮族線上居家椅子瑜伽❞
🌳 台北 Hyread 電子書 邀請舉辦❝ 臺灣圖書館 視障瑜珈講座❞
🌳 台北 伊甸基金會 照顧者喘息活動 邀請舉辦 ❝ 療癒瑜伽❞
🌳 台南 中華民國健身運動協會 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽研習 ❞
🌳 台南 中華民國健身運動協會 邀請舉辦 ❝ 體適能瑜珈培訓 ❞
🌳 花蓮 明禮國小 邀請舉辦 ❝ 兒童瑜伽特別課❞
🌳 台北 諾瑪瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽工作坊 ❞
🌳 台南 Asana Aerial Yoga 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽工作坊 ❞
🌳 台北 Namaste服飾 邀請商品形象拍攝
🌳 台北 網路戀愛真人秀 邀請拍攝 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽 ❞
🌳 台東 樹與海洋瑜珈農場 ❝ 椅子瑜伽工作坊❞
🌳 台北 涅槃瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽工作坊 ❞
🌳 新北 檸檬樹瑜伽 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人療癒瑜伽工作坊 ❞
🌳 新北 中華民國健身運動協會 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽研習 ❞
🌳 台北 台北教育大學 邀請舉辦 ❝ Acroyoga 雙人瑜伽特別課 ❞
🌳 台北 agoy 邀請舉辦 ❝ 椅子瑜伽公益課 ❞
🌳 台北 邀請舉辦 ❝視障瑜伽培訓 ❞
🌳 馬來西亞 原自在瑜伽教室 邀請舉辦 ❝ 雙人瑜伽工作坊 ❞
🌳 台北 涅槃瑜珈 邀請舉辦 ❝ 雙人伸展與按摩工作坊 ❞