1 Hr
1.5 Hr
2 Hr
2.5 Hr
3 Hr
4 Hr
5 Hr
6 Hr
7 Hr
8 Hr
9 Hr
10 Hr
NT$1200 NT$1700 NT$2200 NT$2600 NT$3000 NT$3800 NT$4500 NT$5300 NT$6000 NT$6800 NT$7000 NT$8000
Single day Option
1 Hr
1.5 Hr
2 Hr
3 Hr
10 次 Times
10 次 Times
10 次 Times
10 次 Times
Validity: within 90 days
1 Hr
1.5 Hr
2 Hr
3 Hr
30 次 Times
30 次 Times
30 次 Times
30 次 Times
Validity: within 270 days
Long Term Option
租用需含佈/撤場時間 Rental includes move-in / move-out time
如超過使用時間,10分鐘起將酌收場地費 If the usage time is exceeded, venue fees will be charged starting from 10 minutes.
單日達3小時 提供前後各15分鐘進出場時段 If renting hours meet 3hrs/single day, then provide 15 mins move-in before the event / 15 mins move-out after the event for arrangement.
單日達6小時 提供前後各30分鐘進出場時段 If renting hours meet 6hrs/single day, then provide 30mins move-in before the event / 30 mins move-out after the event for arrangement.
租借預約小管家 For Renting, please contact
長時段方案 Long Term Plan
30 天內 達到 30 小時租借
Rental period reach 30 hours within 30 days NT$24000 up
NT$ 800 / Hr
並提供前後各 15 分鐘進出時段
15 mins preparation time before & after the rental
30 天內 達到 60 小時租借
Rental period reach 60 hours within 30 days NT$39000 up
NT$ 650 / Hr
並提供前後各 30 分鐘進出時段
30 mins preparation time before & after the rental
200 小時師資
200 Hours Teacher Training
NT$120000 up
NT$ 600 / Hr
並提供前後各 30 分鐘進出時段
30 mins preparation time before & after the rental
預約請私訊 洽恰好室小管家
For reservation, please contact
哈達亞瑜伽學苑畢業生優惠方案 Hrdaya Yoga Graduate Discount Program
30 小時椅子瑜伽畢業生
30-hour chair yoga graduates
NT$ 1100 / Hr
15 mins preparation time before & after the rental
30 小時椅子瑜伽認證通過
30-hour chair yoga certification
NT$ 1000 / Hr
15 mins preparation time before & after the rental
70 小時 Level 2 椅子瑜伽畢業生
30-hour Level 2 chair yoga graduates
NT$ 900 / Hr
15 mins preparation time before & after the rental
200 小時瑜伽畢業生
200-hour yoga graduates
NT$ 900 / Hr
15 mins preparation time before & after the rental
200 小時瑜伽畢業生
200-hour yoga graduates
Level 2 椅子瑜伽畢業生
Level 2 chair yoga graduates
NT$ 800 / Hr
15 mins preparation time before & after the rental
預約請私訊 洽恰好室小管家
For reservation, please contact
哈達亞瑜伽學苑畢業生自主練習方案 Hrdaya Yoga Graduate Space Sharing Plan
🌳 好室每週不定期有 自主練習時段 There are independent practice period from time to time every week
🌳 入場費 每次 250 元/人 Entrance fee:NT$ 250 for single person, single time
🌳 歡迎來練習、排練、排課、拍照、跳舞 Welcome to practice, rehearse, arrange courses, take photos, and dance
🌳 線上工作、手作、看書、發呆、大休息 Also welcome Online work, handicrafts, reading, dazing, and resting
🌳 禁止飲食、教學、違反社會風俗及法律事宜 No Food & No Drink / No Teaching / or doing any violation of social customs or any illegal things during the space sharing time.
預約請私訊 洽恰好室小管家
For reservation, please contact