心,梵語 Hṛdaya - 積集精要的意思
Heart, Sanskrit Hṛdaya - signifies the accumulation of essence
The usage of "Heart" in Chinese is similar to the way in English.
The original meaning is heart, but here indicating the 'essence of the
mind,' 'core,' or 'central part
如《心經》 Hṛdaya Sūtra
As 'Heart Sutra'

Hṛdaya yoga 哈達亞瑜伽學苑 椅子瑜伽 師資認證培訓計畫
Hrdaya yoga Chair Yoga Teacher Certification Training Program
想成爲 Hṛdaya yoga 哈達亞瑜伽學苑認證的椅子瑜珈老師
If you are interested in become a certificated chair yoga teacher by Hrdaya yoga
需完成 Hṛdaya yoga 哈達亞瑜伽學苑 30 小時的 椅子師資培訓後
You need to completed 30 hrs chair yoga teacher training program from Hrdaya yoga
After the 30 hrs chair yoga teacher training program,
you need to accumulate a 3 hrs practical course with different content.
Once you complete above two conditions, you are allowed to apply for the certification.
No EXTRA charge is needed. One week for reviewing your application.
認證程序統一由 CHA CHA 管理,且必須在師資培訓課程結業後兩年內完成認證。
The certification process is uniformly managed by CHA CHA.
And the certification must be completed within
two years after completing the teacher training program.